Simply Mac to Mac Networking


Hello Group,

Sorry to pose a question for something that should be so easy to do but I'm stuck.

I am attempting to test a networking set-up for a lady in need.

- RJ45 (Crossover ?) "Male to Male" Cable,
- An iBookG4 to a brand new Intel-Mac. Both computers are running Tiger
(10.4.8), with Personal File Sharing enabled,
- I get each machine's icon (folder) on the other's desktop but only the "Drop
Box" appears & I "don't have access privilege" to open it.

Any advice, fix-it procedure would be greatly appreciated after 2 days of unsuccessful searching.

Thanks in advance,

Crossover cable not needed for macs since about 1999. (But OK to use)
Go to network Prefs > built-in ethernet > TCP/IP tab and Configure Manually and enter IP address of and for the two computers.
Now use Go > Connect to Server to connect. You can only see and share the Users' home directory this way - so just put files to be shared into Users/your_user_name on each computer, so the other one can see them.

There's lots of info in the Finder's Help > Mac Help under "file sharing."

If you need to share more than the home folder, install SharePoints from to help set permissions for other folders.

Thanks for your speedy response.

Crossover cable not needed for macs since about 1999. (But OK to use)

It was a question; I don't know if they are Crossover Cables, are they ?

Go to network Prefs > built-in ethernet > TCP/IP tab and Configure Manually and enter IP address of and for the two computers.

Do you mean in one computer & in the other ?

There is something in the "Subnet Maks" : do I take it out ?

Now use Go > Connect to Server to connect. You can only see and share the Users' home directory this way

What I see is on one computer & on the other

When I click "Connect", I get 2 pop-up windows : the first : "Connecting to afp:// ... & the second, larger, The name of the computer it's looking for & "Select the volumes to mount", the name of the connecting computer is dimmed out as well as the "ok" button !

- so just put files to be shared into Users/your_user_name on each computer, so the other one can see them.

I'd like to share the entire hard discs - in both directions ...

There's lots of info in the Finder's Help > Mac Help under "file sharing."

None helped sharing from Mac to Mac

If you need to share more than the home folder, install SharePoints from to help set permissions for other folders.

In addition, I couldn't get on the net & had to put everything back the way it was.

I'm going to have a look at SharePoints.

Please tell me what I did wrong ...
Let's start over - Are both computers connected to one router? Then you wouldn't need to jump through these hoops with the ethernet cable and changing Network pref settings. When connected to a router, computers are "networked."
In Mac Help, although I agree they should have put the info together and in checklist form, the majority of the info is about sharing files Mac-to-Mac.

To share the whole disk you must use SharePoints to set the permissions.

But to fix just the problem of no volumes to mount, go to sharing prefs > Services and make sure Personal File Sharing is on.
Hi Again & thanks for the added info.

I am *not* using a router, the only added material is the cable I mentioned. By the way is it a Crossover Cable ?

At any rate, I just got it to work. My problem was the Public Folder, I had never seen that before. I must learn how to better use it because I don't want to duplicate all of the things I want to share & aliases are not permitted. I plan on looking into sharepoints as soon as possible.

They may be getting a DSL connection & I was told that some companies furnish a router.

Seeing as how this works now, is it ok to leave it that way or do I need a "switch" or a "hub" ? And please tell me what effect the possible router might have ...

Thanks again,

A router allows computers to do the same file sharing without being directly connected to each other. But, it also has a firewall so computers outside your home can't connect (easily) to a computer inside.

A crossover cable is one in which the transmit & receive wires are physically crossed from transmit on one end to receive on the other. They are clearly labeled "crossover."
Zeroconf networking in MacOS X (named Bonjour) means you shouldn't have done silly fussing around with IP addresses, and should have gone straight to services and permissions. Fussing around with the IP address means you have to reconfigure it all over again if your client gets that home router.

My guess is that you were having issues with username/password permissions. You didn't give enough step-by-step details of exactly what you were doing for me to tell accurately.

I get my computers to share their entire hard drives all the time, without the Public Folder nonsense. What I use is Apple's file sharing protocol, which you have to connect to explicitly in the Go To menu in the Finder.
Hello Decade & thanks for your response.

Thanks to other members here & some trial & error sessions, I got the problem solved. However, I don't really like my solution.

Would you elaborate a bit on your suggestion ? - Especially "Apple's file sharing protocol, which you have to connect to explicitly in the Go To menu in the Finder". I can't find it !

Unfortunately, I don't know what people said before, so this is my response.
If you are under Mac OS X 10.3 and above, open any folder window. At the top left there is the a tab called Network, click on it and find the computer yo u are looking for.