Site Donations Update


Staff member
Well, I took down the site in a moments notice, and I brought the site up in a moments notice. During the downtime, I upgraded our VB software, so many hacks we had in place aren't up and running.

We didn't meet our goals, but we did reach the half-way point, which is a fair amount. The donations have dropped off significantly today, but we are still taking them.

New forums and organization have taken place as well. Hopefully we can get things up and running very quickly. I want to thank you all for your support, and we have some special things to provide for those who did donate in the coming days. I will be in contact w/ each of you.


jet - features that the site has that aren't part of the vB code. like the reply box at the bottom of the page that we've gotten spoiled by. :D
i just thought i would add a reminder here that another way to help support the site and get a little something of value in return is to buy a or email address by clicking the 'Order Email Account' link at the top of any page. :cool: