For anybody who once was a skateboarder, or still is: post how long you've been skating and your trick list. For the non-skateboarders: "feel free to ask questions." I'll start us off... 
Skateboarding for 1 year:
Ollie (180, Fakie, Fakie 180)
Manual (6 parking spots)
Nose Manual (6 parking spots, nollie shuv-it out)
Kickflip (Fakie)
Heelflip (Fakie)
Shuv-it (360, FS/BS)
Varial Heelflip (Fakie)
BS Noseslide
Boardslide (FS/BS)
BS Hurricane
FS 50-50 (Nollie shuv-it out, kickflip out)
FS 5-0
*FS Nose Grind

Skateboarding for 1 year:
Ollie (180, Fakie, Fakie 180)
Manual (6 parking spots)
Nose Manual (6 parking spots, nollie shuv-it out)
Kickflip (Fakie)
Heelflip (Fakie)
Shuv-it (360, FS/BS)
Varial Heelflip (Fakie)
BS Noseslide
Boardslide (FS/BS)
BS Hurricane
FS 50-50 (Nollie shuv-it out, kickflip out)
FS 5-0
*FS Nose Grind