Skipping Songs iTunes 7.0


Hi, I recently downloaded iTunes 7.0 and got my library in, and am extremely in love with the new interface, the ability to view the album art in that special theater like mode thing. And the updated music store. But I have one problem i indeed can NOT stand. I play all my songs just fine and dandy, perfect quality, after about a half an hour, it starts to skip, its wiered. I played songs on Windows Media Player 11 and it played fine! So AGAIN, iTunes has failed me in the 'playing' music part of a music player... SO if you have an answer, please tell me, it would BE GREAT. THANKS
Are you running a Windows PC or a Macintosh?

If it is a Windows PC, then you might want to look at:
- Updating the driver for your audio card.
- Checking that there is plenty of free memory and CPU resources when playing songs.
- Is anything else accessing the hard-drive while iTunes is running?
Erh... "anything else accessing the harddrive while..." - I guess constantly. Or do you imply he should only run iTunes and quit any other application in order to listen to music?
On Windows PCs, I've found that about a third of all media playback issues are caused by other applications either hogging CPU cycles or hard-drive accesses. In my experience on the helpdesk for a certain large computer corporation, I've found that for anything that is skipping or dropping out its worth asking if the hard-drive is churning. Have you ever tried playing iTunes while Google Desktop Search is imaging the hard-drive?