Skype Headset Recommendations


Has anyone got any good recommendations for a Skype headset/phone?

I'm considering using Skype for my home phone, incoming and outgoing. I'll need it when I work from home and I'll need a good headset too.

I have an Intel iMac with Bluetuth, USB2 and all that good stuff. I'd like to keep it under $100, under $50 is even better.

Recommendations welcome.

Thanks :)
I really like my Plantronics GameCon | Pro 1. Amazing sound - comfy to wear - nice boom mike and no drivers to install. Just plug and go. It is about 80 Bucks and worth the cash for use with Skype.

It is USB based and I use the set for Skype/iChat.
For about the same amount of money (or not *so* much more), you could get a Bluetooth headset which also works with mobile phones. More use out of one thing? I'd say so...