Slax linux on flash memory stick? (was: Need Help!!)


I have Slax, a Linux Live CD distro, I want to know how can I put it on my USB flash drive and boot it up? I keep the ISO on my Powerbook G4, and I need some help figuring out how to make it work.
Worst thread title in the past few months. The two exclamation marks are a nice addition. Not. PLEASE be more descriptive...

I'm not sure PowerPC Macs can boot from flash drives...
sorry, only thing I can think of, I don't want to boot to the flash drive, I want to install the live cd distro onto the flash drive and make it bootable.
Slax has a smaller version that will fit into a USB flash drive. Just follow the directions on their download page:

This might work on an Intel-based Mac since Slax only runs on x86 computers. It won't work on PowerPC based Macs.