slow afp between wired iMac and wireless iBook



My afp file transfers between an iMac and an iBook are incredibly slow - estimates of 4 hours for 10MB trasfer.

I have a Linksys WRT54G router connected to my cable modem.

Both Macs are running 10.4, with Personal File Sharing enabled.

The iMac is wired to the router and the iBook connects wireless.

Both Macs can access the internet fine - 3.9 megabits/s for my iBook.

I also have two TiVo in the wireless network and both units can receive streamed music from the iMac as well as exchange recorded programs.

Transmissions seem to go in 'bursts' with long delays between files.

Any help would be appreciated.


I'm having the exact same problem, only both my mac mini and macbook pro are wireless. Both have no problems downloading things from the internet, but afp between them is excruciatingly slow.

My router is a D-Link 4300.
It seems that there is a lengthly delay in traversing folders or obtaining file info. Once the transfer for a particular file starts, the throughput is actually quite good for example transfering one video file. However most of my transfers involve large numbers of relatively small files ( remote synching) so I see long delays followed by bursts of activity.

Using a direct connection is somewhat faster but the delay between files is still noticeable. This kinda matches what I read in some of the other threads.

This makes me wonder, how OS X Server works in file serving mode? This kind of behaviour would rule it out in my book. Is this a dirty secret that the gurus know about but dare not speak off? Any solutions or workarounds? Anybody? Hmmm.