Slow desktop login (10.3.9) to server (10.4.5)


We just wiped and reloaded Server 10.4.5 due to hardware failure. We changed the server name, and have connected a few "test" workstations to the server. The users have a home folder set to mount automatically in AFP. We are using LDAP.

Previously, logins were very fast. Now they take at least 60 seconds. The desktops just sit. We have tried several different desktops, with different OS versions (10.3.x, 10.4.x). Same problem. We have also tried temporarily disabling the home folder auto-mount.

When we log in as a local user, this doesn't happen either.

Any ideas? Places to look for errors? We looked in the ldap logs, nothing. Same with AFP.

Joe Gadell

So tell me a bit more about how you did this...

You changed the server name, which is going to change the search base that's used with your LDAP connection. When you wiped and reloaded, did you preserve the OD contents, at least the LDAP portion and restore that back? If not, you could have new UID and GUID numbers for your users in the LDAP. Have you assured that you have proper DNS reservations for this new hostname of the server?

Lots of places to look here! :)

Oh, if the AFP server isn't on the OD server, did you make sure to properly rejoin the AFP server to the new OD domain that you created as well?

Sorry, I should've been more clear.

We reloaded because of a non-hard drive failure. We were able to import the old LDAP data. The old server had a slightly (10.3?) version of OS X and LDAP, but everything imported correctly. AFP is on the same server. The desktops we are testing on were wiped as well, so it didn't retain any of the old user data / ldap / etc. The new server was added to DNS ... we tested lookups (forward and reverse).

We are running the latest version now.

Well, that adds a bit more flavor to this! :)

Are you familiar with putting directoryservice into debug mode? You may want to do this, attempt a login and see what's going on for all that time.