slow ftp server


I'm running OS X 10.1x. I've been running an ftp server for a few months now. I've also got tcp-wrappers installed to restrict which IP addresses can access my server.

Up until last week, everything was fine. But on Friday, the ftp server became painfully slow. It takes several minutes to make the connection and get logged in to the ftp server.

The Apache web server does NOT have this problem. It's still very fast.

Does anyone have any ideas what may have happened? I want to emphasize that this has only been a problem recently. I realize using tcpwrappers and a hosts.allow file can slow down the auth process. But as I've already said, it was very responsive until about a week ago.

I'm hoping someone out there knows more about this subject than me and will be willing to lend a hand.

Is it just the initial connection which is slow, or the transfer of files?

If it's the initial connection, I'd first say your server is experiencing an inability to resolve the client's IP address back to a host name. In other words, client connects to the server, which tries to resolve to a hostname, and times out waiting for it. To test this, run
on the ftp server (obviously replacing with the client's real IP address), and see if it gives a hostname. If not, that's probably it.
Thanks for your response. It seems you were correct. The problem was with my dns server, not the OS X ftp server.

Once we rebooted the dns server (A Sun box), everything worked fine.

Thanks again.

I am looking to connect via ftp from within a vlan with IP address say to my mac ftp server which is point to a DNS server of

Since I don't have my own DNS server, I cannot add the local 192.x.x.x IP addresses to a DNS server. Instead, I added them to the /etc/hosts file of the Mac machine rnning the FTP server.

When I do an nslookup, it is still resolving it using instead of looking into hosts file first.

What do I do?
I found the answer to my question. On the mac I need to use niload command to make my mac recognize the /etc/hosts entries.

$sudo niload -v -m hosts . < /etc/hosts

Now, I do not see any lag on connecting to the Mac FTP server!!
I'll take that back. My slow connection issue is still not resolved.

I do have to highlight here that despite doing the "niload" when I do an nslookup using the FTP client IP, the mac server is not resolving it.
