Slow Jerky Mouse


Apple Avid
I just switched mice for a little while with my brother, and i received his B&W G3 (or the iMac hockey puck mouse). i plugged it into my powerbook, and started moving it around, it was very slow, so i went to system prefs, and chose mouse, and i saw that it was up all the way, so i moved it down and back up and it started working fast, all was fin in system prefs but then when i tried to navigate in the finder, everything went slow again, i repeat it many steps, and it only runs fine in system prefs. any ideas??

thanx in advance
Yeah, check the mouse itself.

Could be dirty. I clean my hockey puck mouse about once a week. It picks up a lot of dirt on those rollers. I dare say more than the average mouse.

Some other things to try would be:

- When your mouse starts acting up, pull the USB plug and re-insert it.
- If that doesn't work, try a logout -> login and see if it's a system setting.

My money is on the dirty mouse.