Slow searching for files on NT server


Using "find" from finder will locate folders (directories) on NT server volume relatively quickly but will not find specific files. All we get is the spinning pin wheel.

3 G4s running OSX 10.2.6 NT file server 100baseT TCP/IP. File transfer works great both ways. Good ping. Because there are 40,000 files on this server, I have yet to attempt completely indexing the volume. I will let it run tonight. Attempted to update via terminal at advice of another poster (sudo /usr/libexec/locate.updatedb) but received Input/output error. Our PC IT guys are stumped (or, rather, not interested).

Any advice would be appreciated. I can give more details as needed.

Thanks in advance.
What's the likelihood of upgrading to Panther after its release? Maybe that will give you more success.