Slow Software-Driven Mouse in Massive Assault - Help!

Jim Mitchell

Hi All,

I recently bought the game "Massive Assault" (, distributed by Freeverse, ported by VP), and conceptually it is the best strategy game I've ever played. However, there have been some problems with the Mac port. One of the problems that has absolutely made be crazy has to do with the mouse cursor within the game application.

When Massive Assault (MA) is launched, a jerky, slow yellow cursor appears. I have learned from VP that this cursor is software-driven in all operating systems older than 10.3, but hardware-driven in 10.3 or newer. Since I have 10.2.8, the cursor is software-driven for me. Even though I have a machine a good bit faster than the system requirements, the cursor is painfully slow and jerky. Almost unusable. However, for a long time I was able to change resolutions in the graphics options of MA, and it would "magically" (i.e., a helpful bug) give me a normal, smooth Mac cursor "on top of" the running game. Thus, I could operate at a normal pace, even though the yellow cursor would always be far behind the normal cursor while playing.

However, it in a recent update to MA, many problems are fixed and new features are added...but my little "magic trick" is gone. Changing resolutions no longer gets me a usuable cursor. Naturally I have whined about this cursor problem to VP even when it required the trick...but now even more so, as the game is virtually unplayable for me with the current cursor situation. But they claim the issue cannot be addressed because it is a Mac OS X problem, not a problem with their game. Of course, I pointed out that 10.2 and the specs of my machine are all within the system requirements. Furthermore, I think it a reasonable expectation to that games should have a usuable, smooth cursor in whatever OS.

So here are my questions:

(1) How much is really dependent upon Mac OS X? Isn't there some way to create a smooth cursor in a game for 10.2?? I just can't believe something as simple (and essential) as a cursor could be that hard to get right. At the very minimum, couldn't a normal black mouse cursor be easily put "on top of" the slow, jerky yellow one - as if I had done my "magic trick"? Does anyone happen to know of a freeware program out there that will accomplish this task? Or anyone want to write one...? I'm willing to accept a rough solution at this point as VP has not fixed this problem in over 4 months now, despite my complaints.

Thanks for any assistance.
Jim, I could be wrong, but I think I've seen 10.3 for sale for $60 or $70. It'll likely be even cheaper after 10.4 is released. How about upgrading? You'll be sure to find other advantages too.
