Smart Folder Lockup - System Freeze


I can consistently lockup my system by attempting to create a smart folder which searches based on filename attributes. I can select this search attribute, but the second I begin to type which specific attributes to search for it begins to "bog down" like an old windows computer. Then I hear no "system sounds" such as HD clicking, etc. and it just freezes. I'm seaching for .pdb, or .prc as attributes - I know there are very few of these files on my computer, and there size is quite small since they are palm files. But it consistently locks my computer up. Any suggestions?

I'm running 10.4 on last gen G4 (1.5 ghz ppc) w/512 mb ram

Is it the ram?
You may have to reset your Spotlight index. I find this is easiest to do using a maintenance program like Onyx (download from

There is an option under the "Automation" tab that you can check to reset the index. Hopefully that should clear up your problem.

I also recommend checking the other options in the Automation tab... they're generally very helpful for keeping your Mac healthy.