Smartsuite on Mac?


So I'm buying an imac for my parents because of all the many issues they've had with their dell dimension, anyway they use a-lot of smartsuite applications like 123, and word pro. My MAIN concern is 123. Is there a program for macs that can handle or support or convert 123 files to excel or appleworks? They really rely on their 123 and I don't want them to have to start anew learning excel. I also, do not want to install boot camp for them since I want this transition (from pc) to be radical and not have them use windows or else they would never use os x because of habit.

Please help, any ideas on applications or converters?

Excel:mac will read your Lotus 1-2-3 files. You don't need a third-party conversion utility. However, I recommend MacLinkPlus Deluxe. It will convert just about any productivity application document into just about any other comparable format past or present.
Even though I like Smart Suite, and wish there was a Mac Port, the learning curve to Excel is not a major one. They should be fine.
I agree with PowerMac. Once they get over the fact that the buttons and menus look a little different at first glance, they'll find there is really not a lot of difference overall.