SMB Browser. Where is it? Did you get it to work?


I downloaded SMB Browser and have two questions

1) Where is the web site for it? (I know this is a dumb question, but no where in the documentation does it list a web site for it).

2) Can anyone get it to work? When I launch it I get the ever-so-annoying zooming boxes, but then nothing. I am using OSX 10.1.2

Otherwise, is there another way to browse Window's shares via a GUI in OSX?
wait... where did you get it if you don't have the website? I'd like to try it out actually, there's a lot of windows shares here and i can never get them to mount through the connect to server thing... if i can find it i'll give it a try and let you know
Well, I DID download it from somewhere, but I don't remember where. That's the catch. ;)

You'd think that there would be a URL in the documentation or something, but there isn't.

I THOUGHT I got the link off of, but I can't seem to find it on there at all now.