Soft screen zoom


Marvelous Da Vinci
Staff member
I discovered this by accident. The Mighty Mouse has a very smart soft zooming capability enabled by pressing the "crtl" key while scrolling with the ball.

Incredibly smooth... and fun when you use that to have PhotoBooth as full screen !
Universal Access.

for everyone else, try apple+alt+8, to turn it on (make sure it's set up right in the Universal Access pane of System Preferences), and apple+alt+= and apple+alt+- to zoom in and out.

i use this a lot to view embedded movies in webpages full screen.
Others may interpret '<Apple <alt> 8' as 'Command <option> 8'.

Thus, '<Apple <alt> +' equates to 'Command <option> +' (or 'Command <option> =' ), and '<Apple <alt> -' equates to 'Command <option> _' (or 'Command <option> -' ).
Now, imagine this effect in a resolution independent GUI 8)
Leopard is going to be fun.
Try Command + Option + Control + 8.
(apple, alt, ctrl, 8)
Screen should go white against black - though many european apples with german, spanish, italian etc. as a OS language might use a different key combination.