Software installing Problems


Well Im a new owner of a G4 Powerbook, but I do have some problems with it... After installing Macromedia Dreamweaver and Flash on my mac I noticed a lot of problems happening. First: Each app would take about 5 minutes to start up. Also other Mac app would start to crash when I started them ie: iChat, Quicktime, and probably others. Second: at start up the top top would load blue tooth, airport, time, ect... but all you would see are just the icon's WITHOUT the white title bar behind it and it would take a while to start up as well. I don't know if that standard.. I'm really stressin out here. I bought the Powerbook in order to work on projects at home and this is my second Powerbook with 5 days of buying it. The first one had problems with the opitcal drive, it wouldn't read DVDs. Also these programs work on my friend's Powerbook which he bought a week before me as well as a couple of other friends. I don't know what's going on, if it's just MY mac that's acting up. Can someone fill me in??
Welcome to the forum :)

After any major install, especially if you have to restart the computer, go to the Utility folder and start up Disk Utility. Click on the second disk icon in the list at the left, then click on repair permissions.

When done, Quit Disk Utility and give the computer a test run.