Software Reviews

Maybe I should post a default format for these reviews:

Usability (easiness) ***** (5/5)


Features ***** (5/5)


Interface (graphics) ***** (5/5)


Bugs ***** (5/5)


Overall ***** (5/5)

Bah. You need a whole forum for reviews. But before that happens, the admin needs to consolidate a few forums that are completely unnecessary (WINDOWS HARDWARE HINT HINT HINT GENERAL SOFTWARE SUPPORT (CLASSIC) HINT HINT HINT OTHER MACS (EARLIER MODELS) HINT HINT HINT APPLE ][ FORUM HINT HINT HINT – was I subtle enough? :D ).

I don't want to go searching through a single thread for reviews.. I want a separate forum.
Originally posted by simX
I don't want to go searching through a single thread for reviews.. I want a separate forum.

Well, you get what you get. I will keep this thread up until admin gets a Software Review forum running. ;)
SnapperHead 4.5

Usability **** (4/5)

Very easy to use, but it is quite confusing for many users to get aquainted with setting it up.

Features ***** (5/5)

Very good features. Includes displaying system stats as well as screenshot.

Interface *** (3/5)

Most of the graphics are pretty good, but I hate the fish.

Bugs ***** (5/5)

Excellent! I have found no bugs so far, and it doesn't have any memory leaks (as far as i've tested it).

Overall **** (4/5)
Probably The Best Free BBEdit Replacement Ever

Usability (easiness) **** (4/5)

Documentation is sorely lacking. But I figured out how to add a text mode for Csound without it, so it's really pretty intuitive. Other than that, well, it's a text editor. Not terribly complicated stuff, although I haven't used many of the more advanced features.

Features ***** (5/5)

And speaking of which, oh my god this is packed. It's ridiculous how many features this has for a free program: built-in syntax coloring for HTML, C, Java, TeX and others, regular expressions everywhere (if you know how to use those - they're pretty ugly), and, in addition to that, pretty much everything you get with BBEdit Lite.

Interface (graphics) **** (4/5)

It's Carbon, not Cocoa (for those of you who are interested, it was called MMKEdit back on OS 9), and as such the interface is a bit glitchy in places - no live window resizing, and at least a couple other weird things. But it's a very good Carbonization.

Bugs **** (4/5)

See Interface. Also it crashes when I try to use Excalibur, probably because I don't have Excalibur installed. But from what I've used it for so far I haven't had any serious problems.

Overall **** (4/5)

Very impressive for a free text editor. When I want a GUI text editor, I think this kicks the crap out of BBEdit Lite, since I can't afford the real thing. Even when I don't, it's giving Vim a run for its money. If you want a free text editor, this may be what you're looking for. I thought it was a real find.

-The Valrus
Here are two reviews.

Microsoft Flight Simulator 4.0 (Macintosh Series Edition)

Scheduled to be released in 1991, Microsoft Flight Simulator 4.0 for Macintosh looks very promising. Running on most Apple 68k Hardware, including the new powerful SE/30 and LC series, this is a game like no other.

You are the role of a regular pilot. You can take off and land from several popular US airports in great plains like the Lear Jet.

The graphics are excellent, the 3D pictures are like nothing ever seen on a computer! The controls and sound is so life like, this game may be able to be used for real world uses such as pilot training.

This game is expected to ship in 1991 and takes an entire floppy disk to contain the Installer.

I know I can't wait for version 5, expected to be released after version 4.0 runs its course.

Total rating: 5/5 thumbs up

Mac OS X Public Beta

Mac OS X Public Beta is a sneak peak for Mac users who want to preview the upcomiong revolutionary "Mac OS X"(pronounced 'Ten'). Most noticably, the new interface properly named "Aqua" looks like you could eat it! There is much more eye candy than you can find in any previous Mac OS or Windows opearting system.

Under the hood of Mac OS X is a supercharged version of FreeBSD, a Unix system. Regular users need not to fear this, because Apple does a wonderful job of hiding it, while making it accessable for super users who want to tinker.

This system is very limited and slow, and lacks vital features of the previous Mac OS, such as printer sharing, spring loaded folders, SCSI CD writer support, original iMac and beige G3 graphics acceleration, and a seamless way to integrate OS 9 apps into the Mac OS X interface. We are expect to see all of this in more in the first final release of Mac OS X 10.0 in early 2001.
One suggestion on the reviews: If there is a link available, include it. Valrus did, xoot didn't. :)

For those of us who are newbies it makes things lots easier. I have a list of about 30 links that I haven't explored yet, so I don't know which ones are good. But don't worry, I keep plugging away at it when MacOSX is down... :D

Strange, I haven't made much progress in my list...
So maybe this thread ought to be moved to the "Reviews and Open Letters" section now...

I personally would like to see some more posts here, particularly about freeware. As a college student I don't have a lot of lucre to fling around for software that I don't *absolutely need* and I have this thing about pirating which I call "not doing it."
There may be a killer app out there that I haven't discovered! Where is it?

-the valrus

p.s. dricci --- wtf? :D