Software Update Control Panel


Ok my question is does anyone know how to fool the installer into thinking that the system is a older version i.e.

I have 10.1.1 installed how could I make it think I have 10.1 running not 10.1.1 so that I can reinstall it.

I already have the download file but I remember on a while back they showed how to do it and for the life of me I cannot remember.

You can do it by deleting the reciepts located in /Library/Receipts
Software update will think it needs to download the updates and will.
Ok I used the terminal to login as a SU and deleted the update.pkg in the receipts folder.

Any other ideas
That used to work for me. I found something else that might work though:

There's a file in Users/youruser/Library/Preferences/Software Update
called softwareupdate.log

In mine I found:
<string>Updated Successfully</string>
<string>Mac OS X Update</string>

MAYBE, if you delete that it might work but I don't know.

It seems Apple has changed how they check for previous updates.