Software Update server without the Server OS?


I look after 25 designers mac's for my company. I have rolled out OS10.4 on all macs and was able to convince accounts to buy me ARD2 to administer the macs, but not 10.4 server. My file and webserver is just another OS10.4 mac running SharePoints for filesharing and MySQL 5 for the Symantec Admin webserver. These programs are a godsend!

Still, I can't convince finance to buy me 10.4 server so my next project is to attempt to host my own Software Updates to automate this process when im not around. I know that 10.4 server has a Software Update server included and I was hoping to emulate that without the server OS, and with the help of Software Update Enabler on the clients.

Currently I have to d/l the updates manually and roll them out using ARD2.

Does anybody have the details of how this can be done? I know I will still need to manually d/l the updates, but I want to just dump them into a folder (after testing) and have the clients connect and install without me having to push them out. Do I just need to host them using HTTP or FTP??

Hope someone can give me a hand with this one...

Disregard this post....I didn't understaqnd the post quite well the first time reading it. Sorry :o
Honestly, ARD2 is a great way to handle this. You can simply create a package install job and schedule that to take place whenever you want. Software Update Server doesn't allow local users to install the packages, unless they are an administrative user. ARD eliminates that need.

If that doesn't work, there are options out there.