Hey Folks just signed in, great place.
I used to work on AIX PPC r6000 workstations for 2 years or so. So i am remembering commands I used back then.
Logging out from the terminal window:
kill -9 -1
To quit an application from the command line:
kill (Process Number from the Process viewer)
To open an app:
open (Name of App- Case sensitive in UFS)
to know the HD space taken by a directory, be inside that directory:
du -ks
cd (Directory Name) Exp: Moves you to that dir.
cd.. Exp: Moves you back one dir
ls Exp: Lists files in a directory.
ls -l Exp Lists files in a list with permisions visible, and size.
ls -al same deal but it will also show hidden files and
rm (File Name) Delete that file.
rm *.* *1= x file *2= extension ie: .bin .txt etc
This removes all the files with this extension in that directory.
mkdir (name) creates a directory with the name you
rmdir (Dir Name) removes the directory with the
specified name.
ping (Network IP) Pings the IP you specify in
numbers. Might work with letters.
That is about it from what I now remember. I only wish I could edit the window colors like an X Term/ AIXTERM terminal window. If anybody knows please tell me, I have looked in the bundles but dont wanna mess up anything since it is in objective C or something.
I used to work on AIX PPC r6000 workstations for 2 years or so. So i am remembering commands I used back then.
Logging out from the terminal window:
kill -9 -1
To quit an application from the command line:
kill (Process Number from the Process viewer)
To open an app:
open (Name of App- Case sensitive in UFS)
to know the HD space taken by a directory, be inside that directory:
du -ks
cd (Directory Name) Exp: Moves you to that dir.
cd.. Exp: Moves you back one dir
ls Exp: Lists files in a directory.
ls -l Exp Lists files in a list with permisions visible, and size.
ls -al same deal but it will also show hidden files and
rm (File Name) Delete that file.
rm *.* *1= x file *2= extension ie: .bin .txt etc
This removes all the files with this extension in that directory.
mkdir (name) creates a directory with the name you
rmdir (Dir Name) removes the directory with the
specified name.
ping (Network IP) Pings the IP you specify in
numbers. Might work with letters.
That is about it from what I now remember. I only wish I could edit the window colors like an X Term/ AIXTERM terminal window. If anybody knows please tell me, I have looked in the bundles but dont wanna mess up anything since it is in objective C or something.