Some websites timeout when connected through Airport, but not through ethernet.


I have a lot of websites that I maintain that all live on one server, and I've discovered that a lot of them timeout or only load halfway when I access them through my Airport / Graphite Base Station, but they load quickly and completely when I just plug the ethernet cable directly into my computer.

I'm guessing this has to do with the airport somehow. It's strange because other websites (like or work just fine with either airport or ethernet, but I'm guessing that my websites' server is connected to me in a way that my base station doesn't like. I know, this is a stretch, but I really have no other guesses.

When I do a traceroute I just get all * * * after the first jump to my ISP (SBC-Yahoo). Traceroutes from public servers go through to my websites' server fine, and the servers' admins say it's working fine, so the problem isn't the server.

The graphite base station is set up with no wireless security features other than having a closed network only being visible to the two computers whos mac addresses have been input into it in the Access Control screen. Port 113 is mapped to port 113 (I've forgotten why exactly). Airport client computers (I have a desktop Windows machine also) are set to share a single IP using DHCP.

I'm using an ibook g4 1.33 14" with 1.25g ram.

Anyone have any ideas? Ghosts? Solar flares?