Sonnet Tempo ATA100 and OS 10.1


I upgraded from Sonnet ATA66 to ATA100. OS 10.1 runs fine. My problem is as follow:

I can not boot directly to OS 10.1 on my 30gig drive on the ATA100. I have to go into OS 9.1 then use UUX2 to boot 10.1. This happens every time I do a cold boot. ATA66 allowed me to boot directly into 10.1.

On the ATA100, I can restart from 10.1 back into 10.1 without a problem. It's only after I shut down when I have to use 9.1. Does anyone else experience the same problem? Please post.

8500 g3/500 Newer
224mb RAM
Sorry, no suggestion but have you done any intensive read/writes to notice an advantage of the 100 over the 66? I currently have the 66 and am curious. Thanks.