Spanish people here? Just to know...

This really doesn’t belong here, but whatever.

It's defiantly gonna get moved to the
He's not an admin here Samuel (we have one admin), but the "mac news and rumor discussion" forum is reserved for discussion on mac news and rumors. General threads like this one are reserved for the macosx cafe. That way there is some organization on the forums and people can find the things they are looking for. If people post outside of the parameters of the forums, their threads are moved to the appropriate ones by moderators.

That being said...

I am spanish :)
La una cosa he aprendido la mayoría sobre la fijación en foros, debo fijar en el foro DERECHO. Por supuesto, no hago siempre eso, sino que entonces soy el Admin y puedo conseguir lejos con eso ocasionalmente, a menos que mi cuadrilla de los asesores para arriba en mí y me envío al foro derecho. De todos modos, hola a nuestros amigos españoles justos.
Automatic translation ??? :) :) :)

BTW I am Spanish as well, from Barcelona.

Saludos desde la ciudad más bonita del Mediterráneo, donde luce el sol sobre el mar y las montañas. :)
