Speaker recommendations for an old iMac?


My little brother is stuck with one of the old iMacs, the original style (Rev. B, I think. Certainly no newer than Rev. C anyway). One of the things he put on his Christmas list was for some decent speakers. (He has a large MP3 collection)

Can anyone recommend a decent set of speakers that will work with that old iMac? Will any set of USB speakers likely do the trick? I'm not looking to get him a full on 5.1 surround sound system, just something a step up from the stock (built-in) speakers. Hopefully less than $100. Oh, and he's running OS 9.?, if that matters.
Thanks Natobasso. I'm leaning towards those JBL Creature speakers. Those will just plug into the headphone jack on the iMac, correct? (That's a 3.5 mm jack, right? I can't find decent specs that say anything other than "headphone jack" in the Knowledge Base, and it has been so long since I actually worked with an iMac that old...)
Never mind, I forgot that I can read. I found on the JBL page where it says it will work with "all Macs with a headphone jack." Thanks for your help.
there should also be a sound out jack near the usb and modem and such cables. if you use that one it will avoid haveing a cable sticking out the front of the computer.
I'll remember to check for that sound-out jack on the side. Like I said, it's been a while since I looked at one of those early iMacs, but thanks for the tip Jeffo.

I just went and bought the speakers down at Fry's Electronics. My brother is lucky I just got a bonus at work, or all he'd be getting is Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. :D