spellchecker doesn't work, in the slightest


Lorem Ipsum
Every single application that uses the spellchecker service replies. "Could not contact spellchecker" when i tell it to spell check, or when it does it while i type. Overall this is rather annoying, i was wondering if maybe this was specific to my system, or a more global 10.3 issue. Any help would be appreciated.

I hope they get this right! I have been using Casady and Greene Spell Checker for some time, but the company folded and the whole thing seems shaky to me. It is really about time an OS provided spell check!!!

P.S. I also used to use Grammar Checker and it REALLY worked (for grammar). Same company and all kinds of fishy things between the developer and publisher (C&G), so let's hope Apple takes care of that as well. Think of how this could impact forums all over the web! :-)
Well i can click "check spelling as you type," but every time i enter a space or a punctuation i get the error... quite a pain since many apps have it on by default. Damn beta is too... betaish.
lemme try this restart thing.. it also might fix the cisco vpn client that has been not working at all...
What about your language settings? I've tried German at first, but it doesn't seem very complete (many things are in English, anyway), so I switched to English. Maybe the 'problem' is related to that...