Splinter Cell Question


Get It, BIG MAC! ::ha::
In the CIA level when you get to the truck and K.O. the gard and you talk to your guys. Well after that I cant find Mitchell Dougherty. I have waited in the smoking coartyard for 30 mins. and walked all the way back to the elevator and he is know where to be found. HELP!!!

PS: I have used all the computers and I have allsow gotten into that locked door in the UFO room, still no Dougherty, just E.Q.!
Guess what, I completely forgit that I K.O. a guy standing in the smoking cortyard then moved him in the UFO room then forgot about him. Turns out that that was the guy! So I spent days trying to figure out what to do, but the answer was under my noise the hole time!
Oh, you got me excited... But I think your posting about it in the wrong forum... This is the mac game forum! It must not be a real good game if nobody ports it over to mac. Thats the real test for games :) If it generates the demand to be ported to niche os' its gotta be good :)
But... do you know if there are any plans to port it? My friend wants me to get it.