Splitting MP3 Files


Does anyone know where I can find a tool for the Mac, preferably OS X, that will let me split larger MP3 files into smaller ones? I know there are some tools like that for Windows. Any ideas? Thanks.

well, QuickTime pro can do this, but that is a bit expensive.

Not sure if there's a good solution on the free side.
Well if you really want it for free, I'd say just open up LimeWire (or whatever gnutella client you use to download files) and search for ".sit quicktime" and download a key code for QuickTime Pro.

Uh, this is Mac OS X discussions, not Surfers Serial Junkie board :D

If you do want to (legally) register QuickTime Pro, I suggest waiting for QT 6. If you pay for QT 5 Pro now, you may not get a free or discount upgrade to QT 6 when/if we get it in a few months.
Audion will let you do it for free at first. Open mp3 in editor... or something like that. I used to do it all the time when i used Audion to clip out cusses from songs for my radio shows, and I also used it to split a 2 hour long mp3 of a concert into individual songs.

www.panic.com if you don't have it already