Spotlight in OS X Mail not working....


Hi there -

I have my Mail program configured to use my googlemail account, and I have a really annoying problem with the search window in the top right (little spotlight mail thing) that just isn't working at all.

I type in what I want to look for and it just shows a blank inbox - whether I set it to the current box, or all boxes. I was kind of used to this, but for some reason it started working last week and I was very happy indeed. Then suddenly it has stopped again.

Does anyone have any idea why it would do this and if there are any fixes for the problem ? Maybe I have done something daft, but I don't believe so.

Mail also has an odd habit of asking me for my password again from time to time - often a few times in a short period then not again for a few days. I tick the "remember this password in my keychain" box each time, but it seems to keep forgetting it.

I love my Mac apart from this. Any help would make me very happy indeed.

Thank you.
