SimX, ironically, it's for precisely the reason why you stated that I think it would be better for everyone if we all stuck to the admin's forum areas -- and yes, THIS topic is a "site" topic and not a Mac OS X topic but it seems that everyone is posting iWalk, iPod, iToilet, fix this, fix that, help!, troubleshoot, blah, blah, in the OS X forum when there are TroubleShooting, Rumor, Tips, and other areas already designated for this. I think that if everything is in ONE forum eventually it will be too much and it will be harder to find what you want than simply selecting the proper forum. Imagine if eBay just had two areas, "Buy" and "Sell" instead of the MANY sub-categories and listings for computers/macs/laptops, etc. I'd hate to see an ad for someone's lawn dwarfs in the same category as a used PowerBook G4. But that seems to be going on here -- a lot of crap (false rumors, misplaced threads, etc.) mixed in with GOOD threads. Anyway, that's all I gotta say. If people would rather throw all their crap in one drawer instead of having a sock/underwear drawer, T-shirt & shorts drawer, etc. then so be it.
... but for cryin' out loud, all those "its a fact! people", I'm never gonna let you hear the end of it if your "facts" are proved wrong (which 99% will be) tomorrow.
"My mom's friend's brother's cousin's dog knew a squirrel who used to live at the neighbor of the friend of Steve Job's gardner's house, and he said...."
... and as for why I posted this thread in THIS forum: it's precisely because people seem to be lazy and wanting to simply post in this forum instead of reading the other areas. If I posted this in the Site Suggestion area it might NEVER get read!