Spymac revives the "iWalk/Apple Tablet" debate

According to Spymac 3/28/03, Apple is "to compete in new Home Portable market" with "an Apple-branded tablet". The name is currently still unknown, as are most of the specs, but a 8.4" TFT and Airport Extreme are expected. Check out Spymac for more information... http://www.spymac.com
I think that this is the most interesting part of the rumour:

The unnamed tablet system -- featuring an 8.4" backlit TFT-display and built-in Airport Extreme -- will be marketed as a 'Home Portable' and will be targeted towards a specific demographic of users who want the portability of laptop but who do not require the power or diversity of Apple's current portable offerings.

If I read that right, then I assume that this thing will be priced under the ibook (i.e. under $1000). Given the smaller screen, I assume that the system will run a G3.

I'm not convinced that there is a market for this though. Overall it sounds like an expensive portable internet terminal (and we know how well internet terminals did, even at <$300). Does an average consumer really want to move their computer from place to place, BUT would be willing to live with such a small display? And it has that in between form factor that has so far been death to any who've attempted it (smaller than a true portable, but larger than a pda). It would be surprising to see Apple go out on such a limb given how soft the economy is right now. If they are working on something like this, I wouldn't expect to see it ship until things start picking up, if then. AFAIK, tablet pc sales haven't exactly been burning up the sales charts.
Tablet sales have been better than expected. I don't beleve this rumor really, but if it were true I would get one.

if it had built in bluetooth it could become great, even revolutionary if certain companies like sony would integrate bluetooth into their devices (televisions, stereo components, etc.)
Originally posted by boi
if it had built in bluetooth it could become great, even revolutionary if certain companies like sony would integrate bluetooth into their devices (televisions, stereo components, etc.)

What do you expect from Bluetooth ? It's only 1 Mb/s. Hi-Fi is the limit. No high quality video.
Stuff like this would be cool if the tech was cheaper. I could see a Jetsonian future if everyone had 8 macpads lying around the house waiting to be picked up or implanted in the wall with built in home control functions like AC/Heat, stereo, TV, lights, etc plus internet and built in camera/mic. Think minority report. Yeahhh
Originally posted by binaryDigit

If I read that right, then I assume that this thing will be priced under the ibook (i.e. under $1000). Given the smaller screen, I assume that the system will run a G3.


Current tablets (Wintel world) are slower and smaller than any laptop and sell for around $2000 (at least here).
Originally posted by chevy
What do you expect from Bluetooth ? It's only 1 Mb/s. Hi-Fi is the limit. No high quality video.

i'm not talking about transferring video, i'm talking about using it to control my entire house.
I have played extensively with tabletPCs - it was either one of those or my powerbook - i bought the powerbook in the end. The handwriting recognition is fantastic on them and the ability to sketch out ideas anywhere on the computer reflects the way I worked so I really, really wanted to like them. They currently don't really work because while the pen input is good, trying to control Windows XP with just a pen is torture. Lets say they two things together have 'issues'. Now I could not help thinking while using them that OS X would make a much better pen based system.
I think there is definately a market for a mac tablet. Maybe could be a killer app for them. I'd like to see them to try anyhow. OS X already has the software for pen input (I think) so its just a matter of putting the hardware together no?
From the article:

The data presented here is from a previously known reliable source with confirmed access to this type of information. In our conversation, he expressed amazement that "Apple would be building a device of this type."

As much as I'd like something like this to be real, I have to agree with the unnamed source. From the descriptions of it that I've seen, this sounds like a remote-desktop/thin-client style device, and those have never really caught on outside vertical markets...

If the thing is not autonomous (and it sounds like it might not be), it can't cost more than a couple hundred dollars. I don't see how that could be, given that the LiON/LiPolymer battery technology alone would probably have a retail cost of about $100. Add the screen, AE, processor, etc. and we're talking probably around $600-$900..

If it is autonomous, then a price tag near $1000+ seems more likely, which could gut iBook sales. Not good.

Guess we'll just have to wait 'n' see...