ssh trouble


I've got a piece of equipment I'm trying to test thats hooked up to the uni network. Its quite a long, drawn out process, so I really want to monitor it remotely using VNC.

But, to access it I need to ssh tunnel into the uni network and then into the machine itself. The command lines I'm using are:

ssh -g -f -C -N -L10007:<IP address> <user>@<network>

ssh 10007 -X -o NoHostAuthenticationForLocalHost=yes -p -g -f -C -N -L10008:localhost:5901 <user>@localhost


I know the above code works on a linux box (thats what I've got in the office), but the second ssh tunnel doesn't seem to want to play ball on my mac, which means I can't monitor it from home. :confused:

Now, my knowledge of ssh is generally limited to whether I want X11 forwarding or not. So, this is a wee bit beyond me. Any ideas would be fantastic.


Aha! It has now been solved...

Stupidly I was forgetting the -X option on the first shh tunnel and so there was nothing there for the second one to see.

:rolleyes: Sometimes you just can't see the wood for the trees.