Star Trek's influence


Interesting article about how many of today's technology that's taken for granted was foreshadowed in Star Trek some 35 years ago. I liked the connection between Uhura's comm device and a bluetooth headset. Woz also quoted.
Sadly they didn't talk about some of the people behind the ideas. I just mailed the link to Rick Sternbach and made sure to include a Thank You for all his ideas which have gone from science fiction to science fact.


I specially thanked him for my Newton (mentioning that it still works in Mac OS X :) ) which was based largely on his PADD concept.
I'm certainly thankfull for the inspiration that Star Trek has given our inventors in the past,but I like to be hopefull that we will reach our potential as a species not just the gadgets but the mindset needed to become what Roddenberry espoused.::alien::