StarCraft OSX Map Troubles


I just updated my StarCraft OS 9 version to OS X, but for some reason i can't save maps, edit them, or download maps from I'm stuck with the maps I have now. Is there any way to fix this?
Repair or edit permissions perhaps.

To repair all permissions, use Disk Utility. Verify then repair them
To simply fix the permissions for Starcraft, hit Cmd-Option-I (opens the Inspector) then click on the Permissions triangle. Now select the files/folders you want to manipulate and make sure that read/write is set to you. (You may have to select a file before you can click the triangle.)
Yeah... I verified and repaired all privileges, but to no avail. The error is this:

Could not open '\{MacPath02}\(name of map)' for writing

But I also can't download maps from, too. Could it be because Map Editor is running in OS 9? Is there a carbonized version of map editor?

I also could not open inspector. Is it in Disk Utility?
AFAIK, Staredit, as does Starcraft (the application icon), comes in 2 forms, Classic and Carbon. Try the 1.10 patch if you didn't already.

The Inspector is almost the same as any Get Info box, except you press Cmd-Option-I (in the Finder) to open it or hold Option when you select Get Info from the menu.