Start-Up Applications Not Starting If On Other Drive


My problem is this: I have my applications divided across multiple firewire drives and the boot drive. I have a number of applications marked as start-up in my user profile. About 80% of the time when I boot my system, it only starts the applications on the boot drive.

The drives are all on-line when the machine is booted since everything runs 24-7 so the reboot is always from a fully powered up state for all hardware.

This problem only happened after upgrading to Panther.

Any idea on how to fix it?

Did you reselect your start up items after the upgrade?
Did you run Disk Utility to verify and repair permissions after the upgrade?
Cheryl said:
Did you reselect your start up items after the upgrade?
Did you run Disk Utility to verify and repair permissions after the upgrade?

Hi there Cheryl. Yep, sure did and I still have the same problem.
Cheryl said:
Sounds like an inconvenience written in Panther. :(

I believe it has something to do with when the drives actually come on-line. Sometimes all the applications start up while other times none do. Seems to be just as random as when you cold boot, warm boot or change users.
I just had an idea... why don't you write an Applescript that will launch all the applications you want launched from the external hard drive, and put this script in your login items?

If you need help, I'd be happy to write the script for you and show you how to modify it to suit your needs.
The problem has to do with the automounter. All your external drives are automounted when needed (in this case, when you login). If they are sitting idle and unused, they will unmount themselves. This is the default behavior, and is actually a very good behavior to have. What is most likely happening is, the drives are not mounting quickly enough when you log in to have your login items run, it times out, and they don't start. See this for a fix: By following this fix, it will mount your firewire drives on boot, instead of when you login.

Hmm... I personally think drives should mount before logging in. Or do they mount if you login through SSH?