STATA & NX Client


hi there!

so, straight to the point: I need to access a (suse) linux server from my apple ibook G4. I use the NX Client (both v. 1.5xx and v. 2.xx tried) to log-on. this all works fine without any problem. also, I can start up STATA (v. 9) and use it from the command line. but, as I am new to STATA, I would like to use the menu which unfortunately crashes the whole session whenever I try to access it!
funnily, I can use STATA without any of this annoyance when accessing it from my windows xp desktop. therefore, I guess, the problem is with apple os x (v. 10.4x newest).
if anyone knows how to get past that, I would be very very pleased. additionaly, I wonder if installing suse or ubuntu on my ppc ibook would help solving the problem.. (is there a partition program like partition magic?)

anyway, I hope for some good tips! thank you!

From STATA Technical Support:

Some of our users are having problems when using X11 on their Mac and ssh into
a Linux box to use the X-Windows version of Stata. It turns out the version of
ssh that ships with Tiger is the culprit. What you can do is to copy ssh from
an earlier version of Mac OS X onto the Mac (but not overwrite the existing
version) and use it to connect to the Linux box.


anyone knows how to do that? help would be appreciated!

regards, pascal