Steve Jobs' personal home page


web developer
Heh, haven't noticed this before. I assume it's real, too, I think I remember Jobs said he had registered "steve" as his username when iTools was released.
I really didn't know that he had time for such stuff ;)
Hmm, I just spent a little time perusing that site. You're right, it does look real, but there are conspicuously few pics (none, that is, that I could find) of SJ himself. And that resume could have been put together by anyone. Still, good find! :)
I don't believe this is his real home page. This is used for demos of iPhoto and iTools, like at Mac trade shows or at the Apple stores – they always use "steve" as the iTools account. It's just a dummy website for demos, even though most of it looks real.
Of course it's not real. Did you see the "Wash the dog" video? No dog in its right mind walks into the tub. :rolleyes: It must be a midget in a fur suit...

Or... if it is real, can I trade my dogs (unholy terrors in the bath) for that one? ;)
Originally posted by nkuvu
Of course it's not real. Did you see the "Wash the dog" video? No dog in its right mind walks into the tub. :rolleyes: It must be a midget in a fur suit...

Or... if it is real, can I trade my dogs (unholy terrors in the bath) for that one? ;)

What? My dog loves getting bathed, and looks 20 years younger (at least he acts so) afterwards :D

Movie tricks, eh? ;)
Originally posted by nkuvu
Of course it's not real. Did you see the "Wash the dog" video? No dog in its right mind walks into the tub. :rolleyes: It must be a midget in a fur suit...

Or... if it is real, can I trade my dogs (unholy terrors in the bath) for that one? ;)

What the . . . .? Midget in a fur suit? Why would anyone go to those lengths? And no human that I've seen could do the wet dog shakes like that. :p
homer posted:
What the . . . .? Midget in a fur suit? Why would anyone go to those lengths? And no human that I've seen could do the wet dog shakes like that.
Uh, I was joking... :rolleyes:
Originally posted by lethe
i loved this quote from his résumé:

I liked this one:
"Left in 1986 to decide which step to take NeXT."

Hehe, "left" in 1986... Who else than Steve Jobs could've written that? :D