Still Not Sold - But Getting There


I am a big time Windows user; I am your typical power user who works on PC's. I know windows inside out. So what got me to try Macs. Well I tired Linux (SUSE) in 2005 for a while but to be honest it was the biggest pile of trash I have ever witnessed for someone who works on PC's and needs them to work and have third party support. It is so far from a true desktop OS it is funny they charge so much for a distro DVD. What it did for me though was awaken me to the fact other OS's were out there.

I had used Macs in the early nineties, before the PC Win 95+ boom, in school. Then switched over. So with that knowledge and having had my iPod for a year and been impressed to hell with it I wanted to take a look at Mac again. God I love my iPod - thank you Apple! Were was I - ah yes, So I went into the store last week and bought a top of the range Mac Mini just to see how the OS had developed. To my surprise it was not that different in many ways it still just worked, unlike Windows and Linux. Side note again - you would be surprised how many windows users think the @just works@ thing is "just marketing" lol (you can see why I am new to Macs in that sentence). Windows users just don't know what it is like I guess to have this type of stability.

I am impressed to heck with my Mac Mini and it has a lot of third party support and good software going. So I am now hacking away with it and really enjoying it. This is coming from it. Slight issue with software in the sense that I own a lot of windows Software. I am not sure I can run my work software on both due to the expense of that. :(

PC's run my life and there is still too much software I use on them Macs do not have or I cannot afford to keep two copies of so I need to stick to PC's just now for my work. But my plan is to keep a Mac now and slowly try to work towards switching. I just wish software companies would allow Licenses to switch, maybe they do - I have never looked into it but I doubt it without a fight. Then I'd be stuck as I might want the PC versions. That is my biggest problem.

So I am not 100% convert but I am hoping the user base and support grows and grows so I can be in time. Until then I will just enjoy my Mini with the small amount of software I purchase for it, and the great open source software for Macs. Just like my iPod I think Apple have done a wonder with the Mini to help PC users learn about Macs.

I Love the site. Thought I'd chip in my experience. I have not switched so I didn't post to that thread. But to all those thinking of switching I have to say one thing - get a Mac Mini first they are very cheap and surprisingly powerful for the money. They give you a feel before you invest to heavily. I plan to sell my mini in due course on to get an Intel Power Mac but I am very glad I started on a Mini. They just take the hasslw out of starting to learn the Mac way.

Akkarin (This is not my real name BTW)
Yes, hopefully the Intel switch will encourage more software makers to port their apps to the Mac, as it is now easier and cheaper, and it'd open their products up to a new market.
Certainly not unheard of that people have both platforms. Sounds like from your post, that Windows will be a major part of your computer life for years to come. You may find yourself using Windows for work and your Mac for pleasure.

The mini is a great computer to get people interested in and orientated to OSX. I am sure that was Apple's design purpose of the Mini.

Sounds like you have discovered open source software, and also have found that alternatives to paid program often have a free open source counter-part.
welcome to the white side :)

I've used Macs most of my life, but there was about 5 years in the mid-to-late 90's when I switched over to Windows (mainly because they were there, and my high school used them). When I switched back I originally had a similar experience as you are describing: using my PC 90% of the time, and my Mac for only email/internet.

Within 2 years, though, that ratio started to tip in the Mac's favour, until today when I use 98%Mac and 2%PC.

Aside from the fact that I prefer Mac OS X, I wouldn't want to go back to using a PC for the same reason why I found it so hard to go back to the Mac in the first place - too many apps I can only get on Mac.

I guess what I'm saying is, don't get too hung up on trying to find Mac equivallents of Windows softare. Start looking for new apps, not ones you used to use that may or may not have a Mac port. It's a pesky myth that Macs don't have the level of software support Windows do. Macs can do everything you Windows machine does, just with a new set of tools, often called something different.

Anyway, make sure you bookmark this forum, it's been a great help to me. See you around :D
It's good to see more Windows users open to the Macintosh. There is one other user on this board who goes by the name of FarmerPete. He was VERY much a Windows person and wasn't very fond of Macs. Though probably not as open as you, he did want to learn about OS X and the Mac in order to be able to troubleshoot Macs in the future. He actually went and bought himself a Mac mini and has been learning the ins and outs of OS X. Of course, he still won't give up his Windows PC as his flagship computer, but that's OK. He's at least exposing himself to something different and might (hopefully) come out of this a Mac user as well as a Windows user.

As for Linux, it's a shame that you had such a bad experience. Then again, since after SuSE 6.3 I have never wanted to use SuSE again. I finally have found solace in Ubuntu Linux on my HP laptop from work. I haven't had any issues, although there are still some things that would go beyond what a normal everyday user would have to do (namely with the wireless). But on a desktop system, Ubuntu would be a great solution, and you can even get the Ubuntu guys to ship you a pressed CD/DVD free from shipping and other charges. Again, Linux isn't for everyone but it's hardly the "P.O.S." that you call it. There are some gems out there, and I do have to say that Ubuntu is one of them.

That being said, welcome to the forum. :)
Welcome to the gray zone! It's not a bad place to be. I use both Windows, and Mac. My Widnows machine is mainly for work, and Mac is for all the good stuff, videos, music, photos, etc. To me computers are tools, like wrenches, and socket sets. Im sure you could get by with one, but you can do more with a few good tools.
Thank The Cheese said:
I guess what I'm saying is, don't get too hung up on trying to find Mac equivallents of Windows softare. Start looking for new apps, not ones you used to use that may or may not have a Mac port. It's a pesky myth that Macs don't have the level of software support Windows do. Macs can do everything you Windows machine does, just with a new set of tools, often called something different.
This is good advice, in general, but many of us don't have the luxury of switching to the Mac in our work life. He sounds like he's a PC support guy. If that's the case, and he really wants to use a Mac at work (and is allowed to, which many of us are not), he can try VirtualPC and see how that goes for him. If he's not running intensive apps, VPC might work well for him in the office. Frankly, however, if he's using apps to support PCs, he's probably better off using a PC in the office, because he would want to run a system similar to his supported users.

For the rest of us, it's still a PC world, so many will be stuck using them at work, and, sometimes, at home, too. Software can sometimes be an issue, but that's the case when you switch from any one operating system to another (users of the Palm OS platform might find themselves scurrying around looking for equivalent apps on their new Windows Mobile-based Treo, for example). In these cases, if you can find an app on the Mac side that works for you, great. If not, and if you have to use a Windows machine, or VirtualPC in addition to your gotta do what you gotta do. :)
Fortunately, I do not have to live a double live between Windows & Mac. Although at work, they supply us with XP boxes. I don't need to transfer anything other than Word documents. Admittedly, this works flawlessly.
Okay to the Linux guy I perhaps did go OTT there on Linux, sorry, the thing is I work with applications that do not work on Linux at all and the equivalents are not in the same league. I didn't really like WINE. So I got frustrated to heck with it. But in the sense of it as an OS it is actually good (and I did learn a lot about the OS) but I don't think it is as good as the Windows or Mac offerings. :) But I am sorry for the comment on Linux it was a little insensitive to Linux users.

This is why I like Mac because I can actually achieve a lot of what I do on Windows on a Mac. Although not everything; I still have the trusty windows box here (patting it) and it is still my friend. But Mac OS X is my new friend. I know X is said ten now - what a nut I was asking the shop assistant if I was getting that EX OS (X = XP???). :-) Wondered why he looked at me funny. He could have said I was going around all that day phoning friends telling them I had OS EX. As windows users they never knew I was wrong until I got to a Mac user. Then I found out and was cringing for the next few days when my friends asked me how EX was going.

I guess I will not be 100% Mac user but at least Mac pulled me over and I am a massive windows fan. Windows jokes, windows jokes get them all out. If Apple can do that to me I think it must be easier to get others. I have already started a chain reaction of Mini's to be sold by showing mine to my friends lol. I think the comment on using the Mac more and more over time is the way things might go for me.

So I am still happy with the Mac Mini, in fact I am ecstatic. It has pride of place on my desktop next to my Windows machine. I mean my Windows machine is talking fine to the Mac but it can get grumpy at times. It is scared it will lose my attention. I have reassured it I am still using it but it doesn't like it when the Mac shows off.

Thanks for the advice guys all taken in and acted upon.
