Still Waiting and Wanting


I'm still waiting on my EV Nova registration number!! Its been three days! How long did it take you to get yours? This is the first game I have bought in a long time, because it is such a great game! I still play the original in classic (works pretty good too!:D ). Escape Velocity was the very first computer game I ever bought! However I am disappointed in Ambrosia for making it crippleware:( Sure a time limit would be reasonable, but I dislike crippleware. I'm also buying a Canon Powershot S330!! What do you think/know about this or similar cameras (my tax return is paying for it)?:D
Ah, EV Nova rocks, it's the only game in years which is worth wasting the whole day on ;)
It took about 2 days and 5 hours to get the code, I think, I registered it at Wednesday.