Story for parrot lovers



BBC article said:

"A parrot owner was alerted to his girlfriend's infidelity when his talkative pet let the cat out of the bag by squawking "I love you Gary". Suzy Collins had been meeting ex-work colleague "Gary" for four months in the Leeds flat she shared with her partner Chris Taylor, according to reports.

Mr Taylor apparently became suspicious after Ziggy croaked "Hiya Gary" when Ms Collins answered her mobile phone. The parrot also made smooching sounds whenever the name Gary was said on TV."
Mmmm, the girlfriend made a comment at the end of the article which seemed a bit of an excuse... :confused:
Parrot is actually quite tasty when prepared in accordance with various South American and East African recipes. I've often enjoyed a meal of parrot infused with exotic herbs and spices.
If you've got any interesting parrot recipes, send them my way;
I've got a large freezer just filled with eviscerated parrots of many varieties waiting to provide eager diners with a delicious repast!
Eeeek! If CQ was of American nationality, I'm sure the next term he'd be referring to would be "homicide!" :D