Strange language Bug(?)


Well I don't think that is an actual bug, but it drives me nuts.

Let me explain: My MacBook Pro 2009 fully updated except for Lion, has a strange language problem.
I have set the system language on Dutch which works fine except for one thing... In the Apple menu I see system preferences in Dutch. Once I select this the actual window is in English, with English Menu but Dutch Help once I click the question mark.
I really woud like to set all of the system in Dutch and tried everything. Changing is to a bunch of other languages which go OK.

May-be this is easy to solve, for example by replacing the system prefs app.
But I really don't know where en how to get this and if overwriting has consequenses.

Thanks for thinking with me..
This may be a stupid question, but when you FIRST loaded your OS--and created "you"--in the process, did you choose Dutch as the language? If you chose English--perhaps clicking the clicky thing as you passed through all of the "Did you Accept the Agreement?" "Are you sure?" "We get your children!" pages :)

If you set it for "Dutch" then I defer to one of the "Furiner" Gurus who probably has his Mac set for a different language.

Hi thanks for your reply. In fact it was all pre installed. And in Dutch for sure.
The whole OS is in Dutch except for the system preferences pane.
And this includes everything that I choose in the pane.
But the finder, the OSX apps are all in Dutch!
Well, I do not know if that is because software on the Mac, but then I do not use "furin" applications/versions. :)

You may want to take a screen shot of the pane and post it.

Hi, sorry for this lame ling time. I am too busy at the moment. But it still is annoying. Here are 2 screen-dumps. One is with the Dutch menus. The second ons shows my system preferences.

I really hope you can help me with this!

Regards, Edlef


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    Schermafbeelding 2011-10-02 om 00.49.55.png
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  • Schermafbeelding 2011-10-02 om 00.51.27.png
    Schermafbeelding 2011-10-02 om 00.51.27.png
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