strange problem


I have been having a strange problem for as long as I have had my iBook. It seems that whenever I go to click on an email message containing html or graphics or if I get popups in IE, the system temporarily comes to a halt. Let me give you an example: Say Im going through deleting old email. I usually just hit Delete Delete Delete ect as I go through. But when I get to a piece of mail containing html and graphics, I get the spinning cd cursor, and I cant do anything else in mail until the email is at least partialy downloaded and displayed to me. The same with popups! If a popup comes up, I cant just close it right away. i get the spinning cd until the popup at least partialy loads. This takes between 15 seconds to 60 seconds each time I come across an email or popup like this. Do I have some settings wrong? What can I do to fix this? If it matters, I have a 600mHZ G3 laptop running 10.1.5 and 128MB of RAM (yea, I know, I need WAY more RAM :p )

Dear All,

The situation that you describle is absolutely normal. I suspect that you are using IE and Apple Mail? Also, I assume that you are using a dial-up connection to the web, 56K?

What you describle is normal. Thank you for giving us the spec of the machine that you are using, it does help.

Yes, you are right, you will need more RAM. Another 128MB will go along way and you will see the difference in performance.

Also, try other web browsers. Chimera 0.6 stops pop-up windows, or if you still wanna use IE, download Pop-Up Zapper.

Also, try other email packages. MS Entourage is very good, but you have to buy Office for this. I hear that Eudora is also good, this is free.

I have have a PowerBook G4, 1Giga of RAM and a ADSL line, and I too get the spinning beachball from time to time.

Nothing to worry about...
My iBook came with 64 megs of RAM. I quickly installed another 256 megs. With 320 megs the performance is pretty good. Certainly enjoyable.
Make sure you check the option to partially download mail over a certain size, say 20k... anything over 20k will remain on the mail server until you choose to download the whole thing or nip it in the bud... saves a huge amount of time, especially if you get HTML mail.

and if you are just going thru deleting what is obvious spam mail, then click on one, then shift click on another, then continue to scroll and shift click till you get to one you think you want to see. delete all of them at once very quickly. this is much more efficient than just deleting them one by one which has got to be frustrating on a dial up connection.

as soon as you shift click on a second header, the first will stop downloading. you'll also be looking at a blank page instead of any mail.
The thing with mail, containing html is that very often it contains pictures that are sitting on a webserver. When you open the mail, a connection has to be made to the webserver and the pictures will be downloaded to your computer. And that takes time. If you have a dial up connection then it can take forever.

What you can do is turn of the option to show picture in html.
open mail
open preferences
click the viewing tab
de-select the option "Display images and embeded objects in html messages"

another option is to close the preview window of mail. I am not sure though if that'll work. That way you'll have to dubbelclick your mail to see it.