Strange Request: Rhapsody DR2 Screenshot


Staff member
Heyas. I know it sounds strange, but I'm in desperate need of a screenshot of Rhapsody DR2's login panel. I've still got the original Rhapsody DR2 for PC Compatibles installation CD-ROM, but I can't find the boot & driver disk. So I either need a screenshot or copies of those disks so I can install the thing on one of my older boxes.

Hope someone can up with something. :) I found a few Rhapsody DR1 login panel screenshots on the web, but that's not what I want. I need DR2.
Here is one taken from my VPC x86 version :)

Hmmm...It turns out that in VPC 5 my Rhapsody is in black and white :mad: what the heck happened :mad: ???
(anyone know how to fix this ?)

I ran it under VPC 3 which I still have lol



  • loginrhap.jpg
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I really needed exactly that. Finally a reply to one of my threads that goes straight to the point. :)

You don't happen to have those two disks around? :) I'd love to have an installation of that baby around...
Do you have a screenshot of the desktop or something on the OS too Admiral? I've never seen how Rhapsody actulally looks!:)
lol I would love to have those pre developer version for my collection :p

As for the drivers... I think I have the x86 drivers somewhere....but I am not sure. I dont think the x86 drivers would work on a mac :p ....

Originally posted by julguribye
Do you have a screenshot of the desktop or something on the OS too Admiral? I've never seen how Rhapsody actulally looks!:)

I use Rhapsody as a daily OS (on my IBM ThinkPad and Digital Celebris), I have quite a few apps and tons of fonts. I actually keep all of my documentation for all the systems that I work with (about 3 GB of files on Apple, Sun, SGI, and Microsoft systems) on my ThinkPad.

Here is a shot of one of them today.


  • rhap-today.jpg
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nope. you need the full cd rom, too. :) it's the full OS, quite as big as a mac os x installation therefore.
do you keep your kernel and os up to date with Darwin? does that actually work with a rhapsody dr2 on intel install? or do you just use the OS that was once up to date?
Originally posted by RacerX

I use Rhapsody as a daily OS (on my IBM ThinkPad and Digital Celebris), I have quite a few apps and tons of fonts. I actually keep all of my documentation for all the systems that I work with (about 3 GB of files on Apple, Sun, SGI, and Microsoft systems) on my ThinkPad.

Here is a shot of one of them today.

Wow, that's cool

What kind of apps work with Rhapsody? Classic? Cocoa?

Is there any official place I can get it?
I'm still using the Rhapsody 5.1 kernel (Titan1U). I have looked for intel versions of 5.3 - 5.6 (the kernels used in Mac OS X Server 1.0 - 1.2) but if Apple did make them, they never made it off the campus. I have though about trying Darwin, but I'm not sure how mating the display postscript elements with the new kernal would work.

I was lucky enough to fine developers versions of interface elements that made it into the 1.0 release of Server that were not in DR2. The best of them was the And I have had a ton of success with NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP fonts.

So far all of my installations have been worked around the Apple hardware guide lines (even though I'm using a Pentium 133 in my ThinkPad and they suggest a minimum of 233) and everything seems to be rock solid. As for speed, I can run quicktime movies (if made compatible with quicktime 3) and Doom (I and II), and TIFFany isn't that slow either. Nothing else I do requires that much in the way of speed.

Still, there is nothing like seeing people's reactions to a Mac OS running on a PC.
Rhapsody DR2 was the last build that Apple developers could officially get for the Intel platform. There's of course still Darwin, which is available as Open Source, but it doesn't contain the GUI. When Apple released the final version of Rhapsody as 'Mac OS X Server 1.0', they didn't deliver a PC Compatibles version as they did with the developer releases. It's true until today: Apple's based in the hardware business, where they make most of their money.

But yes, it's sweet to have an original - and stable - Apple operating system running on the PC platform. :) I'll only use it as a terminal, though. :) Maybe we can tell OmniGroup to compile their newer stuff for PC Compatibles. ;)
Originally posted by julguribye

Wow, that's cool

What kind of apps work with Rhapsody? Classic? Cocoa?

Is there any official place I can get it?

Pre-Cocoa, aka Yellow Box. the best places to look are: (for OmniWeb and stuff)

My primary apps are: (1) OmniWeb 3.0, (2) TextEdit (greatly underestimated app), (3) PDFview (much better than OmniPDF), (4) CalenderCenter, (5) MailViewer, (6) Doom (I & II, have to have my games), (7) Quicktime (though the sound doesn't work on my ThinkPad), (8) Preview, (9) CuttingRoom, (10) OpenUp, (11) PackUpandGo.

I have TIFFany 3.0, Create 5.0, PasteUp and WriteUp running in demo mode (though I can grab images out of TIFFany, so I actually use it for somethings).

And I use apache on the desktop system for hosting my sites on my network so I can see how everything looks on other platforms (SGI, Sun, Windows, Linux) before putting them out on the web.
thanks for the links racerx. i have the cd at work, so i'll only be able to install on monday, but i booted from the disk all the same, just to see what would go on.


i thought it would go until it wouldn't find the cd. i'd know the symptoms, because when i first installed it in 1999 (i guess) i had the cd-rom as slave on the second ide-bus, which rhapsody didn't like.

but guess what: i got some kind of memory error. guess my PII/350 is already a machine too new for rhapsody. :/ i'm still hoping. i'll try it again when i have the cd with me.

if you have additional info (perhaps you've run into the problem once), please inform me. but i guess i'll be out of luck, because openstep and rhapsody are quite picky with hardware. i have a 3com network card that is supported. also sound should be no problem, because it's a real soundblaster. the ati rage 3d card should also be no problem afaik, i think i had that in my AMD K6 200 MHz machine when i had rhapsody running the last time on one of my machines. well, i'll see.
I haven't try going to far from the known supported hardware (see: ) on any of my installations. I do remember Apple saying that OpenStep 4.2 had some problems with the Pentium II/400 (which could be fixed by selecting a non-US keyboard configuration), but that is the only Rhapsody/OpenStep problem that I have heard of specifically related to the processor.