Studio Italiano.


I want to learn Italian. I'm going to Italy next summer and I want to be able to communicate with the people. I got a book from the library (Complete idiots guide to learning Italian) and am trying to go at it with just the book but I wanted something more interesting maybe like a bulletin board or internet radio station maybe even someone here who can try and converse with me and show me the ropes.

Thanks in advance.
Ask Giaguara, she seems to be from Italy, though this is of yet unconfirmed.
Yea. :D

Do you know some italian already, or you are starting from zero? If you are interested in bulletin boards, i know 1-2 that could be ok, they are both about macs.. and one other that is not computer related, but has maybe 50-80% of users being italian and they might like to have a chat ... :)

Where are you going more precise?
Well I have a very small background in Spanish so it seems relatively familiar to me but other than that I am starting from zero.

I'm not sure where I'm heading actually. I haven't decided how long I'm going to be staying there when I do then I'll figure out more of where I'm going. I definately want to visit the Vatican because I was raised Roman Catholic.

I would love to see the links to the Mac related bulletin boards. If I know what people are talking about it will be easier for me to learn I think.

Thanks again for your responses.
There is a pre-installed radio station in iTunes called radio Norba. Check out for other Italian radio stations. I listen to a couple of german ones all the time and it definitely helps to be able to listen to colloquial speech.

Deutsche Welle offers online tutorials in addition to programming that is very clearly enunciated. Sometimes it is too slow but can be very helpful. If Italy has a similar language and cultural bureau, I would highly recommend that you try that. I also read a couple of German Mac boards and the "cafe" sections are great for picking up geek speak.

Sorry I don't have anything that applies to Italian, just sharing what works for me.