

Upstate, New York
How can I compress a file into a .sit? I know that right clicking on the file on the desktop and "archive" will compress it into a .zip. Do I need StuffIt in order to do that?
Why do you particularly need a .sit archive? Anything you can accomplish without Stuffit and related Allume products, so much the better - and you can do it all. The Unarchiver, YemuZip, any number of free products.
Thanks for the input, folks.

Zo - I work for a graphic designing company, and I do the work from my home. In order to transfer the files, I use an FTP client. Therefore, I wanted to be able to compress the files for shorter transfer time. files can be opened by other macs too so you might as well use your right click/create archive feature...

Compressing the files also protects them from corruption.
I'd use zip instead, its more compatible and zip functions are built into the system. Just right click on a file and select 'creat archive of...".