Stupid Finder Icon Bug


Mac Enthusiast
When you first log into OS X, look at your Finder icon in the Dock. Now choose About Finder. The one in the dialog is a lot darker and better looking than the one in the Dock. Enable magnification and keep your cursor over Finder. Now relaunch Finder and it'll go to that dark colour.
not sure what X you are using, but it doesn't seem to do that in panther. and the about and dock icons look pretty similar to me. But if that works on earlier versions, then cool...
I'm not sure how your monitor is calibrated, but I would hardly call the difference "a lot." Photoshop says that the RGB of the first pixel just under the left eye of the About icon is 78,139,211 (43% black) and the same pixel of the Dock icon is 96,129,214 (42% black). I don't think those values would differ depending on monitor, but I've been known to be wrong.

So one's just redder. :) Side by side, I actually prefer the Finder's Dock icon.
I found out that it'll only change if you relaunch it from the Dock not the Force Quit window. So, hold Option + Control, click on the icon then choose Relaunch.