stupid golive 6 question


This should be peanuts for a golive 6 expert.

1) I want to have different colors for links in a page. Not all blue or all black or all whatever. How can i do this?

2) I don't want links to be underlined. How can i do this?

I know it can be done but i couldn't find it in 30 minutes.
Originally posted by lucasraggers I don't want links to be underlined. How can i do this?

You will need to use CSS. Here is the line of code:

A:link { text-decoration: none; }

(that should work. :)

to get to the CSS... go to the menu bar>View> CSS editor. When the window pops up, click the the souce tab, and paste that code in. Close the window.
For question 1: In golive go under the "Special" menu and select "Page Properties". Have fun. :)
I know the page properties.

Imagine a table. First cel has a black background, the second one a white background. In both cells i have some text with a link. In the first cell i need a white link, in the second a black link.

I'm not able to do this.
you have to use CSS and apply a different style to each row of the table

.firstRow { text-decoration: none; color:white }
.secondRow { text-decoration: none; color: red }
And then of course apply it to the links. The code should look as follows:

<a class="firstRow" href="whatever">Link</a>

Notice that the defined class (.firstRow) is called without the '.' in the link.