Stupid Powerbook Question...dealing with the sun


Ok this might be stupid but... if it's going to be 90 on saturday and i have work to do, it won't hurt my powerbook to be out in the sun all day with me will it? I wanna enjoy the sun but i also wanna enjoy my powerbook. So will direct 90degree sun hurt my powerbook?

Huh... I can't find my PowerBook documentation, but hopefully 90 degrees is within "Normal Operating temperature"... it should say so in the documentation.

One things for sure.... LCD screens don't look so great in the sunlight.
It should be cool, I have my iBook outside and it had never posed a problem, but then again, mine is white.

If you have a TiBook, the high end of the operating range is 95F, about 35 C, according to Apple's pages. But, I would imagine that you could problably stretch that a little since the TiBooks themselves aften heat up hotter than that.:D