Stupid Stickies... (and OS X installation)


Unofficial Mac Genius
Somehow I corrupted the Stickies application. Would someone mind sending it to me? Make sure you are running OS X 10.1.1 build 5M28 (just in case it was updated in one of the minor updates). My e-mail is

That's one thing I hate about Mac OS X.. you can only do a full installation.. you can't customize which apps you want to install or anything.

By the way, if you send it to me, please say it in this thread so that I don't get multiple e-mails with the Stickies application.

Thanks for anyone who is willing to send this to me (I think it's under 200K, so it shouldn't be that much of an inconvenience.
Thanks a bunch, Fryke. You're a life-saver (wait, I don't need Stickies to survive ;) ). It worked perfectly. I tried replying to you, but I just got a bounced e-mail for some reason.