Have you ever considered starting your own buisiness webhosting or other things computer-related? You have a very supportive community here with the knowledge resources to get you started. I know for a fact that the US government provides grants (non-repayable funds) for business startups. I think it provides several thousand dollars for purchasing equipment, etc... You could start out webhosting and then perhaps later, offer a local ISP. An old boss of mine started a home run ISP many years ago in her small town out in the boonies. All she had to get started were a few Sun workstations and some cash her husband provided. Then there is the "6 degrees of separation" factor taking place: two people on this planet are separated by one another by at most 6 people. Use the connections here to get something really big going.
Have you ever considered starting your own buisiness webhosting or other things computer-related? You have a very supportive community here with the knowledge resources to get you started. I know for a fact that the US government provides grants (non-repayable funds) for business startups. I think it provides several thousand dollars for purchasing equipment, etc... You could start out webhosting and then perhaps later, offer a local ISP. An old boss of mine started a home run ISP many years ago in her small town out in the boonies. All she had to get started were a few Sun workstations and some cash her husband provided. Then there is the "6 degrees of separation" factor taking place: two people on this planet are separated by one another by at most 6 people. Use the connections here to get something really big going.