Suggestion for the Admin



Have you ever considered starting your own buisiness webhosting or other things computer-related? You have a very supportive community here with the knowledge resources to get you started. I know for a fact that the US government provides grants (non-repayable funds) for business startups. I think it provides several thousand dollars for purchasing equipment, etc... You could start out webhosting and then perhaps later, offer a local ISP. An old boss of mine started a home run ISP many years ago in her small town out in the boonies. All she had to get started were a few Sun workstations and some cash her husband provided. Then there is the "6 degrees of separation" factor taking place: two people on this planet are separated by one another by at most 6 people. Use the connections here to get something really big going.
I'd settle for a few donations... we have (2) donations to date. :)



There is FREE money available to people starting businesses. It may not be as easy to get as those deceptive infomercials suggest, but it is there. The last placed I worked (a small chemical company) before going to graduate school got enough FREE government money to purchase 3 Hewlett Packard (now Agilent Technologies) HPLC Instruments. These instruments cost about $65,000 each. The stipulation was that these instruments must be used in a commercial setting for scientific research and not entirely for money-greedy profit. The money is there, it's just not easy to get a hold of or else every Tom, Dick, and Harry would be abusing the system to live off of, waste, and take advantage of just for hell of getting something they want, either material items or to support some bad (drug) habit.